Pastoral Care with Logotherapy

Meaning In Ministry

 Hello and Welcome!

The purpose of this website is to share information on ways the principles of Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy and Existential Analysis are being implemented in pastoral care (Seelsorge) by religious leaders in faith communities and local houses of worship around the world. This site is “shareware.” But out of respect for all of the contributors, always give credit for anything you use.

Hallo und herzlich willkommen!

Der Zweck dieser Website ist es, Informationen darüber zu teilen, wie die Prinzipien der Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse von Viktor Frankl in der Seelsorge von religiösen Führern in Glaubensgemeinschaften und örtlichen Gotteshäusern auf der ganzen Welt umgesetzt werden. Diese Website ist „Shareware“. Aber aus Respekt vor allen Mitwirkenden sollten Sie immer angeben, was Sie verwenden

Hola y bienvenido!

El propósito de este sitio web es compartir información sobre las formas en que los principios de la Logoterapia y el Análisis Existencial de Viktor Frankl están siendo implementados en el cuidado pastoral por líderes religiosos en comunidades de fe y casas de culto locales en todo el mundo. Este sitio es «shareware». Pero, por respeto a todos los colaboradores, acredite siempre todo lo que utilice.

안녕하세요, 어서 오세요!

이 웹사이트의 목적은 전 세계 신앙 공동체와 지역 예배당의 종교 지도자들이 빅터 프랭클의 로고테라피와 실존 분석의 원칙을 목회적 돌봄(실소지)에 적용하는 방법에 대한 정보를 공유하는 것입니다. 이 사이트는 “셰어웨어”입니다. 하지만 모든 기여자에 대한 존중의 의미에서 항상 여러분이 사용하는 모든 것에 대한 공로를 인정해 주세요.

Yearbook Volume 1: Explorations in Logotherapy, Pastoral Care, and Counseling

Welcome to the first yearbook of Meaning in Ministry! 2024 has been a busy year for me.

I began working on my Diplomate project in Logo-Philosophy with Dr. Ann-Marie Neale (Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy). I began learning German to be able to read books by Frankl (and others) not yet translated into English. I began learning Wertorientierte Imagination (Value-oriented imagination) with Dr. Stephan Peeck (Institutes für Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse Hamburg – Bergedorf), and I conducted many interviews for my website.

Now I am delighted to share some summaries and bonus material in this yearbook!

What is Logotherapy?

Logotherapy was developed by neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl and is based on the premise that the primary motivational force of an individual is to find a meaning in life.

Why Pastoral Logotherapy?

Pastoral Logotherapy (PL) describes the implementation of the techniques and philosophy of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (LTEA) in caring for the members of a local faith community or other spiritual setting.

"You conveyed an excellent—and very meaningful—message in your sermon yesterday! The way that you integrated Frankl’s ideas with Paul’s Letter to the Philippians was extraordinary!"

Dr. Alex Pattakos, coauthor of Prisoners of Our Thoughts: Viktor Frankl's Principles for Discovering Meaning in Life and Work

The Wisdom Of Pastoral Logotherapy

Through compelling sermons, Rev. Edmonson delves into the profound intersection of faith and psychology, guiding others toward deeper meaning and purpose in life. Join him as he illuminate the path to a more enriched existence through the teachings of pastoral logotherapy.

Rev. Tom Edmondson is a distinguished graduate of The Graduate Center for Pastoral Logotherapy.

His expertise and commitment to pastoral logotherapy underscore his dedication to the field and his continuous pursuit of knowledge and professional excellence.