Exploring the World of Logotherapy: Exclusive Interviews with Influential Figures

Interview with Luis Marrero of the Boston Institute for Meaningful Purpose

In this insightful episode of the Meaning in Ministry series, Rev. Tom Edmondson sits down with Luis Marrero, founder of the Boston Institute for Meaningful Purpose, to explore key concepts of Meaningful Purpose Psychology. Together, they discuss the innovative ideas behind Logo Teleology, Meaning Antics, and the Institute's work in helping individuals and organizations discover and fulfill their unique purposes.

Interview with Dr. David Sar Shalom

Interview with Rabbi Mordecai Finley

"Logotherapy and Theology: Their Links"

In this episode, we will explore the profound connections between Logotherapy and Theology, and how they intersect to provide a deeper understanding of our spiritual and existential journeys. Rev. Edmondson will share his expertise and insights, making this a must-watch for anyone interested in the intersection of psychology, faith, and meaning.

Interview with Dr. Anne Niiles-Maki

Dr. Anne Niiles-Maki and Rev. Tom discussed the importance of philosophy in Logotherapy, the distinction between the neurological and psychic dimensions of human consciousness, and the intervention theory. They also touched on the difference between meaning and purpose in logotherapy.

Interview with Dr. Ann V. Graber

Interview with Dr. Edward Marshall

Interview with Dr. Stephan Peeck

Dr. David Sar Shalom and Tom Edmondson discussed Dr. Sar Shalom's diplomate project on applying Viktor Frankl's logotherapy to the LGBTQIA+ community, emphasizing the importance of understanding intersectionality and minority stress in therapeutic settings. They explored the historical context and relevance of sexual and gender identities, highlighting the need for compassion and holistic approaches in therapy. The conversation also touched on future plans to expand the project into a book and the potential for teaching courses on the subject..

Join Rev. Tom in an enlightening interview with Dr. Edward Marshall, a leading figure in the field of logotherapy, as he shares his profound insights and experiences running the Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy, the Marshalls have dedicated their careers to exploring and teaching the principles of logotherapy, a therapeutic approach founded by Viktor Frankl that emphasizes finding meaning in life's challenges.

On December 8 I had the privilege of speaking with Dr. Stephan Peeck, Head of the Institutes für Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse Hamburg – Bergedorf (Germany). We talked about his work, and he spoke particularly about working with someone who is contemplating suicide. This part of the discussion alone is worth your undivided attention. We also discussed the use of the Enneagram and the technique of wertorientierte imagination (value-oriented imagination).

I cannot thank Dr. Peeck enough for taking the time to share such valuable information and allowing me to share it online. It was worth getting out of bed early on my day off--and my birthday--with the flu coming on, to have this wonderful conversation. Note: you will hear the early signs of the flu in my voice.

Vielen Dank, Herr Dr. Peeck!

Ann V. Graber is Professor of Pastoral Logotherapy, Fellow, founding Director of the Graduate Center for Pastoral Logotherapy and recipient of the Doctor of Divinity (honoris causa) at the GTF.  Ann grew up in Europe, was educated in Austria, and later continued her higher education in the USA. She studied Dr. Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy, the Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy, culminating in the Diplomate Credential from the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy (1993). She joined the Institute as a professional member and mentored many students. Her particularly innovative contribution to the Institute has been the “Distance Learning” outreach and participation in developing an English language curriculum in Dr. Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy.

Interview with Dr. Anne Niiles-Maki

During this meeting, Anne and Rev. Edmondson discussed the concept of regional ontology and its application in logotherapy. They explored the ontological differences between psychotherapies and logo-therapy, emphasizing the importance of understanding the unique ontological region of logotherapy.

During this meeting, Rev.Edmondson and RMF discussed the integration of spirituality and psychology in counseling, the importance of virtue and wisdom, and shared personal experiences and perspectives on spiritual practices and current events in Israel.