A Pastor, A Priest, A Rabbi, An Imam, A Shaman, And A Logotherapist Walk Into A Bar …

Rev. Tom Edmondson

Does one have to be a medical doctor, psychiatrist, or therapist to practice Logotherapy and Existential Analysis(LTEA)? No. During his lifetime Viktor E. Frankl welcomed the implementation of the principles of LTEA in an ever expanding range of disciplines. 

In my case, I am a protestant Christian minister in the United States. I serve an average-sized congregation (60-80 people). I preach weekly sermons, meet with members individually and in groups, perform weddings and funerals (with all the counseling that goes with those events), visit people in the hospital, etc. I have found the techniques of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis to not only be compatible with my theological view of humanity, but also exceedingly effective.  I want to learn more about how to integrate LTEA into pastoral care, and I want to share what I have found to be effective with others who, like me, need to “go back to the well of inspiration” from time to time. 

This site, then, is dedicated to the implementation of Dr. Frankl’s principles of LTEA in the field of pastoral care (Seelsorge) in any spiritual or religious tradition. Like me, clergy and spiritual leaders of all persuasions care for the spiritual needs of their people. Such work is demanding, time-consuming, and often leaves little time for personal enrichment. That’s where this site comes in. It is my hope that it will become a source of enrichment for everyone who visits. On it you will find blog postings, articles, interviews, book reviews, helpful links, etc. 

We start out with two great resources for your enrichment. First, an interview with Dr. Ann V. Graber, founder of the program in Pastoral Logotherapy at the Graduate Theological Foundation and author of two books. The other resource is an English translation of an article by Prof. Dr. Heye Heyen, titled, Logotherapy in the Postmodern Age: What the Existential-Analytical and Postmodern Spirit can Challenge Each Other to Do.”  Dr. Heyen is a university professor in Brussels who teaches and researches primarily in the fields of pastoral care and counseling. The article was originally written in German. Enjoy and let me know what you think!


Logotherapy in the Postmodern Age: What the Existential-Analytical and Postmodern Spirit canChallenge Each Other to Do.


Jesus and Logotherapy